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[wpc_custom_heading heading=”Worship Ministry” colored_line=”yes”]

Disciples place a high priority on weekly corporate worship. The Worship Ministry Team works closely with the Pastor to plan meaningful services. The participation of lay people in worship is a long tradition of Disciples of Christ. The Worship Ministry schedules lay people to serve as greeters, ushers, worship leaders, and children’s message presenters. They also encourage young people to serve as candle lighters. This team also arranges for appropriate music, both instrumental and vocal, to enrich our worship. Special services are often planned for Advent, Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter.

[wpc_custom_heading heading=”Outreach Ministry” colored_line=”yes”]

First Christian Church is ever mindful of the needs of those beyond our walls.  We are reminded that Jesus told us ‘when you did it for the least of one of these, you were doing it for me’. Besides cash donations to our Disciples Mission Fund and various local charitable organizations, we offer:

  • Food Pantry for the Community – Monday mornings from 9-11 in north parking lot
  • Clothes Closet and Household Hut – good clean clothes, bedding, kitchen, and other useful items at very low prices
  • Worship services at local care facilities
  • Sponsorship of Boy Scout Troop 157
[wpc_custom_heading heading=”Stewardship Ministry” colored_line=”yes”]

This ministry team strives to encourage the congregation in understanding Christian stewardship, not just of money, but also of time, talent and God’s creation. It oversees the preparation and subscription of the Church budget, keeps accurate records of contributions and expenditures, and monitors the overall financial position of the Church.

[wpc_custom_heading heading=”Evangelism Ministry” colored_line=”yes”]

An evangelistic spirit is the lifeblood of any congregation. This ministry team encourages all members to share their Christian faith in a non-threatening way to friends, relatives, and strangers alike. The team compiles and maintains a file of prospective members and coordinates calls on such persons by the church leadership and members of the team.

[wpc_custom_heading heading=”Christian Education Ministry” colored_line=”yes”]

The Christian Education Ministry Team develops and maintains the educational program of the church, including opportunities for all ages. Sunday School classes, youth groups, Bible study groups, and special workshops are offered throughout the year.

[wpc_custom_heading heading=”Membership/Fellowship Ministry” colored_line=”yes”]

This team assists the church secretary in maintaining accurate, up-to-date membership records. They provide orientation to new members and encourage them to become active participants in all aspects of church life. Opportunities for fellowship, whether covered dish dinners or game nights, are often planned by this team.

[wpc_custom_heading heading=”Facilities Ministry” colored_line=”yes”]

The Facilities Ministry Team supervises the care and maintenance of the church’s building, grounds, and parking facilities. They work hard to provide and maintain attractive and well-maintained facilities for worship, fellowship, and service.

[wpc_custom_heading heading=”Communications Ministry” colored_line=”yes”]

This team serves as a link between the Church Board and the congregation. Coming events are publicized through newsletter articles and calendar, plus other means as appropriate. Broader communication to the community is done through notices in the Emporia Gazette and The Shopper and Facebook.